Review Agenda Item
Meeting Date: 3/6/2024 - 7:30 PM
Category: Education and Instruction
Type: Info
Subject: Affiliation Agreement - Carlow University, Education Department
Strategic Plans:
Goal 1 (Pillar 1)
Growth and Mastery - Student Progress
Goal 9
Workforce Development
File Attachment:
Recommendation: The Superintendent; Deputy Superintendent for Instruction and Learning Dr. Kara Eckert; Director of Instruction and Learning, Early Childhood/Office of Grants and Sustainability Ms. Andrea Huffman; and Director of Instruction and Learning, Secondary (Grades 6-12)/Office of Career Exploration Ms. Jill Fleming-Salopek recommend that the Board approve the Affiliation Agreement between the Baldwin-Whitehall School District and Carlow University, Education Department for undergraduate and graduate students to participate in field observations, practicum experiences, student teaching and internships for a period of five (5) years, effective March 6, 2024 according to the attached agreement.
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Theanita Hampsay - Board Secretary
Signed By:
Randal Lutz - Superintendent