Original Motion | Member Amanda Priano Moved, Member Melissa Wood seconded to approve the Original motion 'The Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent for Student and Employee Services Dr. Rachel Sprouse, and Director of Student Services Ms. Marissa Gallagher recommend that the Board approve Nicole Mitts for permanent employment as a Paraprofessional Step 1 at Baldwin High School effective March 5, 2025, with a district and category seniority date of October 10, 2024.
Rate: $18.66/hour
Annual Salary: $26,273.28
Payroll Taxes: $2,009.91
PSERS: $8,906.64
Benefits: $27,828.48
Annual Total Cost: $65,018.31'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 8 Nay: 0. | The motion Carried 8 - 0 | | | Karen Brown | Yes | Janice Tarson | Yes | Dr. Anthony DiCesaro | Yes | Peter Giglione | Yes | Amanda Priano | Yes | Melissa Wood | Yes | Greg Zeman | Yes | John Bell | Yes | |