Agenda Item
Meeting Date:
3/12/2025 - 7:30 PM  
Consent Agenda Action Items #2 - Non-Personnel  
Consent Agenda Action Items #2 - Non-Personnel  
Strategic Plans:
File Attachment:
The Superintendent recommends that the Board approve the Consent Action Items #2 - Non-Personnel as follows: 7.2 Proposal - JMA LLC - Auditing Services 7.3 Agreement - Allegheny Intermediate Unit #3 2025-2026 IDEA-Part B Use of Funds Agreement & Notice of Adoption of Policies, Procedures and Use of Funds by School District 7.4 2025-2026 Allegheny Intermediate Unit (AIU) Program of Services Budget 7.5 Agreement - Interviewstream 7.6 Accept Bid - Technology Services - Wireless Access Points (BHS) 7.7 Authorization to Advertise for Bids - Technology Services (Chromebooks, Laptops, and Desktops) 7.8 Authorization to Advertise for Bids - Food Services (Kitchen Equipment) 7.9 Approval - Change Order (Deduct $13,108.00) - (4148) W. R. Paynter Elementary School (R. A. Lutz Elementary School) Electrical Construction 7.10 Approval - Field Quantity Change - $9,350.00 - (4543) Alterations & Renovations For J. E. Harrison Education Center (J. E. Harrison Middle School) Project - Electrical Construction 7.11 Donation - Jesse J. Siefert 7.12 Donation - Donors Choose - Classroom Materials - Jennifer Pryor (HMS) 7.13 Donation - Donors Choose - Classroom Materials - Abigail Linn (WES) 7.14 Donation - Donors Choose - Classroom Materials - Theresa Gruntz (HMS) 7.15 Donation - Donors Choose - Classroom Materials - Vanessa Saut (HMS) 7.16 Donation #1 - Donors Choose - Classroom Materials - Natalie Rusnica (WES) 7.17 Donation #2 - Donors Choose - Classroom Materials - Natalie Rusnica (WES)  
Recommended By:
Signed By:
Theanita Hampsay - Board Secretary
Signed By:  
Randal Lutz - Superintendent
Vote Results:

Original Motion
Member Amanda Priano Moved, Member Melissa Wood seconded to approve the Original motion 'The Superintendent recommends that the Board approve the Consent Action Items #2 - Non-Personnel as follows: 7.2 Proposal - JMA LLC - Auditing Services 7.3 Agreement - Allegheny Intermediate Unit #3 2025-2026 IDEA-Part B Use of Funds Agreement & Notice of Adoption of Policies, Procedures and Use of Funds by School District 7.4 2025-2026 Allegheny Intermediate Unit (AIU) Program of Services Budget 7.5 Agreement - Interviewstream 7.6 Accept Bid - Technology Services - Wireless Access Points (BHS) 7.7 Authorization to Advertise for Bids - Technology Services (Chromebooks, Laptops, and Desktops) 7.8 Authorization to Advertise for Bids - Food Services (Kitchen Equipment) 7.9 Approval - Change Order (Deduct $13,108.00) - (4148) W. R. Paynter Elementary School (R. A. Lutz Elementary School) Electrical Construction 7.10 Approval - Field Quantity Change - $9,350.00 - (4543) Alterations & Renovations For J. E. Harrison Education Center (J. E. Harrison Middle School) Project - Electrical Construction 7.11 Donation - Jesse J. Siefert 7.12 Donation - Donors Choose - Classroom Materials - Jennifer Pryor (HMS) 7.13 Donation - Donors Choose - Classroom Materials - Abigail Linn (WES) 7.14 Donation - Donors Choose - Classroom Materials - Theresa Gruntz (HMS) 7.15 Donation - Donors Choose - Classroom Materials - Vanessa Saut (HMS) 7.16 Donation #1 - Donors Choose - Classroom Materials - Natalie Rusnica (WES) 7.17 Donation #2 - Donors Choose - Classroom Materials - Natalie Rusnica (WES)'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 8 Nay: 0.
The motion Carried 8 - 0
Karen Brown     Yes
Janice Tarson     Yes
Dr. Anthony DiCesaro     Yes
Peter Giglione     Yes
Amanda Priano     Yes
Melissa Wood     Yes
Greg Zeman     Yes
John Bell     Yes