Meeting Date:
Consent Action Items - Superintendent's Report on Personnel |
Temporary Professional Employee - Autumn Magnone - Special Education Teacher - R. A. Lutz Elementary School |
Strategic Plans:
File Attachment:
The Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent for Student and Employee Services, Dr. Rachel Sprouse, and R. A. Lutz Elementary School Principal, Mrs. Laurel Rader, recommend that the Board ratify the offer of employment made to Autumn Magnone on March 4, 2024 as a Temporary Professional Employee Special Education Teacher at R. A. Lutz Elementary School for the 2024-2025 school year on step 6 of the Master's schedule (prorated) with an effective date and district seniority date to be determined pending paperwork.
Annual Salary - $55,220.00 (prorated)
Payroll Taxes - $4,224.33
PSERS - $18,719.58
Benefits - $27,828.48
Annual Total Cost - $105,992.39 |
Recommended By: |
Signed By: |
Rebecca Gill - Admin Asst |
Signed By: |
Randal Lutz - Superintendent |
Vote Results:
Original Motion | Member Amanda Priano Moved, Member Melissa Wood seconded to approve the Original motion 'The Superintendent, Deputy Superintendent for Student and Employee Services, Dr. Rachel Sprouse, and R. A. Lutz Elementary School Principal, Mrs. Laurel Rader, recommend that the Board ratify the offer of employment made to Autumn Magnone on March 4, 2024 as a Temporary Professional Employee Special Education Teacher at R. A. Lutz Elementary School for the 2024-2025 school year on step 6 of the Master's schedule (prorated) with an effective date and district seniority date to be determined pending paperwork.
Annual Salary - $55,220.00 (prorated)
Payroll Taxes - $4,224.33
PSERS - $18,719.58
Benefits - $27,828.48
Annual Total Cost - $105,992.39'. Upon a Roll-Call Vote being taken, the vote was: Aye: 8 Nay: 0. | The motion Carried 8 - 0 | | | Karen Brown | Yes | Janice Tarson | Yes | Dr. Anthony DiCesaro | Yes | Peter Giglione | Yes | Amanda Priano | Yes | Melissa Wood | Yes | Greg Zeman | Yes | John Bell | Yes | |